《12雜誌》前身為《12BOYS》,2020年在洛杉磯藝術中心更名;新雜誌立足於新視角下的男性藝術,挖掘生命與軀體的內在價值;本頁為往期雜誌展示,不支持購買,請知悉! In 2020, “12” changed its name to “12BOYS” at the Los Angeles arts center. Based on the male art from a new perspective, the new magazine explores the intrinsic value of life and body. All the magazines on this page are sold out and cannot be purchased!
本站展示的作品可能含有成人內容;根據相關分級管理規定,如果您未滿18周歲,請離開本網站。 The works displayed on this website may contain adult content; According to relevant laws and regulations, if you are under the age of 18, please leave this website.