線上藝術 | Online Art
作品采用符合ISO9706博物館收藏認證標準的收藏級材質進行制作,輸出與裝裱,均由經過國際FINE ART TRADE GUILD(英國藝術貿易公會)旗下Artsure、英國INNOVA認證的專業工作室完成,商品詳情頁另有說明的以詳情頁說明為準。
The work is made from the collection-grade material in conformity with ISO9706 museum collection certification standards. The output and mounting are completed by professional studios accredited by Artsure and INNOVA of the international FINE ART TRADE GUILD. If there is any other explanation on the product page, the explanation shall prevail.

MAR 2020
山茶花 | Camellia
- $100.00
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黑暗蓮花 | Dark Lotus
- $200.00
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沐浴 群像 | Bath Group
- $200.00
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束縛而上 | Upper Bound
- $200.00
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接觸 黑白 | Touch B&W
- $150.00
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- 特價
流淌的花 | Flowers In The Flowing
$199.00原始價格:$199.00。$144.00目前價格:$144.00。 - 加入購物車
Collection Tips

All the products in the gallery of this website are born with artist’s signature and version number. The size of “out of stock” can be changed. Please note the size in the order. The maximum unilateral rule should not exceed 1 meter.